Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Welcome to Out in the Streets, the official blog of the University of Baltimore Students for Public Interest Law (UBSPI). Recognizing the need for providing legal services to the underrepresented, UBSPI was founded in 1994 with the mission of encouraging UB law students to pursue careers in the field of public interest law by providing educational, networking, volunteer, and grant opportunities.  Over a decade later, that tradition of public service still continues.

The purpose of this blog is to keep students informed of public interest events and opportunities both at the law school and in the Baltimore community.  In addition to the Annual Goods and Services Auction held every year to fund summer internships, UBSPI plans on hosting a variety of events to bring together students and practitioners working in the field of public interest law.

Check back in the coming days and weeks for more information about UBSPI's events and activities.  The year ahead promises to be full of great opportunities to become involved.  If you have any questions or comments, we are always available at ubspi@ubalt.edu.

Welcome aboard!  

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